Working Experience: Salesgirl Eyewear Optical


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Okay, you already know ellya's first job right. Work as a cashier is ellya do after SPM. So...... 

Now ellya will tell the story of the second job ellya did after diploma graduation.

As usual, this picture is an infographic from the whole story. It becomes less and compact if you want to read the short want or if you lazy to see my speech.


My experience working as an optical assistant is the main point of contact for customers. The scope of my job is to welcome customers into the store, carry out pre-screening tests and help customers select the correct frames and lenses for their prescription. Besides that, I also need to make follow-up appointments for customers for adjustments to the frames when the customer collects their glasses. Moreover, carrying out pre-screening tests such as retinal imaging and pressure and visual field testing. Lastly explaining offers and products to customers taking payments from customers. The benefits that I get from my work experience is, able to communicate with people of all ages and from different backgrounds. Furthermore, I also get to learn how to provide excellent customer service, sell products, and become more tactful and diplomatic. I also be more friendly, courteous, and approachable when communicating with customers.

Organizational behaviour that I could relate with my work experience is chapter 3, attitude and job satisfaction. Attitudes are evaluative statements that either favourable or unfavourable concerning objects, people, or events. Attitudes have cognitive, affective, and behavioural components. Cognitive components of attitude relate to what a person knows, while the affective components relate to how people feel. Managers tend to be most concerned with behavioural components and how people behave or intend to behave. Attitudes influence future behaviour, moderated by several variables, including the importance of the attitude, its specificity, its accessibility, whether there are social pressures, and whether a person has direct experience with the attitude. Three of the more prominent attitudes in organizational behaviour research are job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction can be defined as a positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. A related attitude is job involvement, which measures the degree to which a person identifies psychologically with his or her job.

I recommend that another company has the dispensary right up front and it is very appealing and inviting for the customer to come in and browse. The shop must have plenty of mirrors and chairs. If the customer doesn’t feel comfortable, they won’t stay to shop no matter how great inventory and staff. The presence of many mirrors puts customers in a fashion mindset emphasizing the important fashion accessory that eyewear is. This is important as many customers are more likely to want to spend money on what is perceived. Staff must remember to serve as cheerful personality to customers even on days when may not actually feel that happy. Lastly, when hiring opticians, consider the importance of a happy, fun-loving personality that patients will enjoy spending time with. If staff is unpleasant, that is just one more reason to rush out the door.

In summary, the possible outcomes of job satisfaction are related to performance, organizational citizenship behaviour, customer satisfaction, absenteeism, turnover, and workplace deviance. The relationship between productivity and job satisfaction is positive, but it is unclear whether satisfaction leads to productivity or if productivity leads to satisfaction. Organizational citizenship behaviour is closely linked to job satisfaction and implies that an employee is willing to go above and beyond job requirements through such actions as talking positively about the organization, helping others, and going beyond the normal expectations of their job. The evidence indicates that satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, particularly in-service organizations.

Yeah, its long, I'm sorry .. this is just the place that I can express everything. so hopefully you get the benefits. 😄

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